Live Production View & Gestures

The live editing experience is designed to give you more control as you produce your event. Below is some info about how to use these gestures in your next live event.

Once you have connected your camera to your app, you will see your main Live Production view.

In this screen, you will see your cameras live shot.

  1. Open Record / Stream options
  2. Crop region
  3. Program Output
  4. Graphics (subscription required)
  5. Grid View
  6. Settings


Gesture Walkthrough

These gestures include tap to cut, pinch to zoom, and drag to pan or tilt.

Tap To Cut Pinch To Zoom Drag to Pan Action Menu Wide Shot

Tap to cut: Tap a single finger on a part of your screen to instantly crop that part of the image.


While in Live Editing View, you can cut between multiple shots, such as close-ups of different people's faces.

To cut to a close-up of a subject in your shot, tap on the desired subject. For instance, if you have a specific speaker on a panel and want to see only that specific person, tap on their face; the camera will cut to a close up of their face. 

If you tap and hold until you see a white box, you can drag your finger to adjust the shot prior to cutting or use a second finger to adjust the size of the crop; releasing will take the shot live.



Troubleshooting Steps

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