Best Practices When Requesting Internet at a Venue

If your event is at an unfamiliar venue, here are some recommendations for what to ask the venue staff in regards to internet access:

- Request Ethernet. If you have Mevo Boost, you should first ask for an Ethernet connection with at least 10Mbps upload speed. No one else should have access to your network.

- If you have to use Wi-Fi, make sure it's a network that won’t be shared with the venue attendees. If this isn't possible, you may be better off streaming over 4G / LTE via the Mevo hotspot.

Be advised that networks with captive portals are not supported by Mevo mobile apps. A captive portal is typical at locations like hotels, where you obtain network access through a web browser like Safari.

Before your event, you should:

  • - Check your upload speed multiple times. This can fluctuate constantly, especially as attendees start populating the venue.
  • - Choose your quality based on your speed test results. Our rule of thumb is that the streaming bitrate should be half of your available upload bandwidth.

If the available dedicated upload speed is less than 5Mbps, or if the network provided cannot be dedicated to only you, then you should be prepared to lower the streaming quality to Medium or Low.

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