You can stream to any streaming destination that accepts RTMP protocol, such as Twitch, UStream, Brightcove, and other providers.
Tap the red button in the bottom left corner of the live edit view.

Under Streaming Destinations, tap RTMP.

Tap +New RTMP to add a new destination.

Give your streaming destination a unique name, then enter your provider's RTMP URL and Stream Key. When you are done, tap Add.
At this time, Mevo mobile apps do not support RTMP destinations that require authentication (i.e. a username and password).
If your provider has a mobile app or mobile-friendly website from which you can find the URL and stream key, you can save some time by copying and pasting them into their respective fields in the Mevo mobile app.

Your RTMP provider will appear at the bottom of the screen; tap it to select it. You will notice the red Go Live button will activate.
The Mevo mobile app will remember your RTMP destination so you don't need to enter the URL and Stream Key every time you connect to your camera. The credentials will be wiped out if you perform a factory reset.

When you are ready to start streaming, tap Go Live. When the stream starts you will see the timer in the bottom left corner, which you can tap to expand and see additional data such as outgoing bitrate.

When your event is over, tap the red dot, then drag it to the right as prompted to end the stream. The stream will end and you will have the option to save the recording to your microSD card.