Livestream Studio Remote Camera Mode

You can bring your Mevo camera into your Livestream Studio production as a Remote Camera. This would allow you to use more than one camera in your production at one time if you want. Make sure that your camera is turned on and connected to the same local network as your Livestream Studio machine. If it is not connected to the same network (i.e. to the same access point), Studio cannot recognize the camera.

When the camera is connected to your network, Studio will automatically detect it. There is no need to open the Mevo app to enable it as a remote camera. In Livestream Studio, navigate to the Inputs tab. Select Add Input > Remote, then select your camera.

You cannot start a separate stream or recording from the camera while Studio Remote Camera Mode is enabled.

Your camera will appear on the bottom of your Inputs list. You can rename it by hovering your cursor over its name and selecting the pencil icon that appears. You can select a different remote source by opening the drop-down menu. When your camera is connected, a status message will appear here as well (e.g. "Perfect streaming").

To further configure and control your camera, select the corresponding gearwheel icon to the right.

Many of cameras basic settings in the Mevo app are configurable directly in Studio in the General tab. This includes the camera's name, resolution, frame rate, password protection, camera power button setting, auto turn off, auto-wide on app disconnect, and speaker and LED ring settings.

Any of these settings that you change in Studio will also be reflected inside the Mevo app. Keep in mind each setting will need a few seconds in order to take effect.

In addition to these general settings, the Adjustments tab will allow you to customize the cameras image, including exposure, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, view angle, exposure metering, image flip, electronic image stabilization (EIS), and anti flicker settings.

These are the same settings found in the Mevo app's Adjustments menu and any changes made to these in Studio will be reflected in the Mevo app.

Use the Crop functionality in Studio to adjust your cameras shot. This allows you to configure up to four preset shots with motion and transition control.

Studio does not include some app features such as face detection, live follow, and auto-pilot; these features are only controllable via the Mevo app. If you do use these features in the Mevo app, you will not be able to control your cameras shot inside Studio until you switch to a generic shot or wide shot in the Mevo app.

Control Remote Camera in the Mevo App

You can still use the Mevo app to control your camera instead of Studio if you prefer.

After adding the camera (s) as an input in Studio as described above, connect your Mevo app to your camera via Wi-Fi. You will notice the bottom left corner now shows a dark gray button indicating it is linked to Studio but is not currently in Preview or Program. If you tap this button, the option to push it to the Preview (PRV) or Program (PGM) monitors in Studio will appear.


Use your finger to slide the gray button to either PRV or PGM to put your camera into either Preview or Program in Studio, respectively.


Once the camera is in the Preview or Program monitor, tap the button again and slide it to switch it between the monitors in Studio.


While the camera is being used as a Remote Camera in Studio, you may still live edit your shot in your Mevo app. This includes features such as face detection and live follow, but please note that while these features are in use, you will not be able to change the cameras shot via Studio until you cut to a generic crop or a wide shot.


Your camera will output all crops and edits to Studio. Additionally, whichever crop preset in Studio is activated will adjust to reflect the edit made in the Mevo App. Notice below, the cursor is not touching the Take / Edit buttons, but the orange box (Preset 1) crops anyway; this was an edit made inside the Mevo app.

Selecting 1080p / 15.0Mbps will disable all Camera Assistant features (Face Detection, Live Follow, Auto Pilot, Static Shots). Panning and zooming via the Mevo app is also disabled, but you can cut/crop your shot or use the crop features inside Studio.

Camera Synchronization

To avoid sync issues, it's best that you set your direct input sources to be delayed by one second. You can find this setting in Settings: Advanced.

Navigate to the Remote Inputs Synchronization setting and select Delay All Inputs by 1 Second and Synchronize. This will allow your wired inputs to compensate for the latency experienced by wireless sources (in this case, the camera) and sync them together.


Be sure to save your settings.

Troubleshooting Steps

Not seeing any options on the list within the Remote Cam tab?
  • Make sure the remote system is on the same network, connected to the same Router or Access Point as your Studio system.
    • If the system is on the same network but using a different access point, the Remote Camera will not properly connect.
  • Check that the following ports are open if you use a firewall:
    • UDP: 5353, 60936 - 61036
      TCP: 60936 - 61036
  • Check that Bonjour Service is started.
  • If you've checked all the above steps and you are connecting over Ethernet, there could be a rare IP configuration issue.
Still having an issue?
Please open a support ticket here so a Customer Experience Agent can address this for you.
Open Ticket

If the issue is affecting all devices and not just the camera, you can also contact the owners of Livestream Studio, Vimeo, at their help center here.


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